Students Ministries
Ages 6th -12th Grade
Sunday Mornings 9:00am | Wednesday Meal at 5:30pm & Worship at 6:30pm
About our ministry…
The Providence Student ministry welcomes teens from all backgrounds and walks of life. We desire to encourage your student to be a Christ follower, worshiper, and a lover of God’s word. Your student will always walk away challenged.
The youth are exposed to Christ through contemporary praise and worship, games and activities, a teaching from scripture from the Youth Pastor and other youth sponsors. while our focus is solely on Christ, we also know how to have lots of fun! We are constantly involved in camps, retreats, missions, girls/guy’s nights, and fellowship with one another.
Youth Camp
Each summer the Providence Baptist Youth attend a week of camp at Falls Creek in Davis Oklahoma. This is a time for our students to remove themselves from the world and draw closer to the Lord.